
Duration: 23 min
Spanish Language
Original Format: 4K DCI
Screening Format: DCP 2K 1.85 Mix 5.1/2.0
Production: Javier Codesal © 2024 España
Original Language: Español
Subtitles: English

Trompetas Javier Codesal


Mercedes García Carrasco

Alex Codesal

Ariel Moreno

Jack Sierraalta

Llun de las Peñas Valdés

Marco Madrigal

Rubén Castro

Sam Blázquez

Yuya López


script, camera, director Javier Codesal

production Julia Sieiro

sound Benito Macías Cantón y Julia Sieiro

lighting on set Lati Maraña y Benito Macías Cantón

edition Javier Codesal y Julia Sieiro

postproduction and colour Benito Macías Cantón

sound and mixing Benito Macías Cantón

music Telmo Rodríguez Zabalbeascoa

advice Montserrat Rodríguez Garzo

accounting Accountek

thanks to Manuel Olveira, Elba Benítez Galería Elba Benítez,Ramón Mateos NNNN, Edmundo Garrido, María Gestoso, Andrés Borderías, Jesús Sebastián FCPOL, Jesús Generelo, Alesya Beneroso COGAM, Jorge Beltrán Kifkif Madrid, Eva Gómez, Ignacio Codesal, Carlos de la Fuente, Olmo de la Fuente, Víctor García

Trompetas Javier Codesal
Trompetas Javier Codesal

Trumpets is a reading of Dying to Live, a book of poems written by Alex Codesal from his experience as a mental health service user, following a suicide attempt in December 2021. The poems are read by young trans people, including the author, and adding fragments of the Book of Revelation in the voice of a street preacher. All this, like a loud sound of trumpets, denounces the magnitude of the psychic suffering of young people.

Trompetas Javier Codesal

Director’s Notes

I conceive of this project as an act of reading, in a literal and oral sense, of Dying to Live, a book of poems by my great-nephew Alex Codesal, who wrote Dying to Live based on his experiences as user of mental health services, following a suicide attempt in December 2021. It is significant that the writing itself took place during his hospitalization, giving expression to the events, but above all confronting them with words, in a limiting and extreme effort of intelligence and self-assertion.

The magnitude of the epidemic of suicides, ascertained by mental health professionals, and the difficulty of grasping and discussing it without modifying or betraying the reality of it (for example, through sensationalism), justify a symbolic and artistic approach, seeking a way of dealing with this issue with intensity and respect. For this reason, I relate Alex’s book to fragments of the Book of Revelation, because in a certain way we are suffering an apocalyptic crisis that must be revealed and rebelled against like the sounding blare of trumpets…

Trompetas Javier Codesal
CARTEL Trompetas Javier codesal

Director Bio

Javier Codesal (Sabiñánigo, Huesca, 1958) has a degree in Visual and Hearing Image Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Considered one of the pioneers of video art in Spain, his interest in the body and music stand out in his career – present in productions as different as’ Centauro ‘,’ Sábado legionario ‘,’ Los remotos paises de la pena ‘or the exhibition’ Ponte el cuerpo’-, the approach to themes such as pain, death or illness – for example, through the series ‘Dias de Sida’ – and a series of portraits that includes ‘La habitación de rada’ (on the Balkan War), ‘Mario y Manuel’, ‘Portrait of Francisco del Río’ or ‘Mayte’. Two of his other artistic facets are regularly reflected in his works and installations: poetry and drawing.