Duration: 22’33” min
Spanish Language
Original Format: Video HD
Projection format: DCP 2K Estereo
Production : Javier Codesal © 2010 Spain
Image, sound and editing: Javier Codesal.
Production in Colombia: Zaida Lizeth Hincapié.
Assistant and driver: Omar Evelio Vanegas.
Soun Postproduction: Pedro Saavedra.
VIdeo post-production: Daniel Ruiz.
With the collaboration of Julia Sieiro.
With the participation of: Olga Lucía Giraldo, Luis Fernando Mancera, Adrián Fernando Mancera Giraldo (en memoria), Héctor Steak Mancera Giraldo, Naidu Liliana Morales Herrera, Steak Sánchez Valencia, Manuel Camilo Torres Gutiérrez, John Jairo Torres Gutiérrez, Rolando Gutiérrez, Yeimi Yuliani Sarmiento Gutiérrez, Dayana Michell Batista Gutiérrez, Darwin Salamando Lozada, John Fabio Salamando Lozada, Ángela Yesica Salamando Lozada.
Harp: Edgar Giraldo.
Vocals: Carlos Julio Mora.
Acknowledgments: La Mar de Músicas, Francisco Martín, José Luis Cegarra, Embajada de Colombia en Madrid, Luis Armando Soto, Programa presidencial de acción integral contra minas antipersonales (Colombia), Andrés Dávila, Camilo Buitrago, Centro Integral de Rehabilitación de Colombia CIREC, Jeannette Perry, Germán Ruiz, Silvia Carolina Ojeda, Jorge Enrique Quesada, Luz Dary Velasco, Maritza Mendivieso, Julio César Garzón, Jorge Morales, Fundación Mi Sangre, Catalina Cock, Sofía Helena Reyes, Elizabeth Peláez, Ana Lucía Gutiérrez, Blanca Lozada, Diógenes Pompilio Manrique, Daniel Parrado, William Fabián Escobar, Gabriel Perilla, Hernán Oyola, Vladimir da Col, María Teresa Graiño, Julia Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Dueñas, Ofelia González, Viviana Gómez, Fredy Enrique León, Gloria Jiménez Betancur, Julián Rodríguez, Ricardo Ramón, Marta Rincón, Víctor de las Heras, Factoría de Vídeo, Francisco Vega, Julio Serrano, Juan Antonio Cegarra, Isabel Isla, Julia Sieiro.
Video produced with the help of %22La Mar de Músicas%22.
A Colombian mother recounts the death of her son, which occurred due to the explosion of a grenade while the child was playing with two friends in a military facility. The mother’s story is established as an act of resistance and identity; and the more than probable repetition of it likens it to a song. Although death takes over at times, life knows how to avenge what denies it, stubborn, radiant.
Director Bio
Javier Codesal (Sabiñánigo, Huesca, 1958) has a degree in Visual and Hearing Image Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Considered one of the pioneers of video art in Spain, his interest in the body and music stand out in his career – present in productions as different as’ Centauro ‘,’ Sábado legionario ‘,’ Los remotos paises de la pena ‘or the exhibition’ Ponte el cuerpo’-, the approach to themes such as pain, death or illness – for example, through the series ‘Dias de Sida’ – and a series of portraits that includes ‘La habitación de rada’ (on the Balkan War), ‘Mario y Manuel’, ‘Portrait of Francisco del Río’ or ‘Mayte’. Two of his other artistic facets are regularly reflected in his works and installations: poetry and drawing.