Evangelio en Granada (Meta)

Duration: 122’18” min
Spanish Language
Original Format: Video HD
Projection format: DCP 2K Estereo
Production: Javier Codesal © 2019 España

Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal

Directed by and camera: Javier Codesal.
Production and direct sound: Julia Sieiro.
Production Assistant: Zaida Lizeth Hincapié.
Drivers: William Silva, Nayiber Pardo, Bernardo Torres y Nelson García.
Editing: Javier Codesal y Julia Sieiro.
Sound Post-production: Pedro Saavedra.
Technical assistance: Factoría de Vídeo.
With the special participation of: Fran Yeison Acosta Hernández, Frederman Ospina Giraldo, Diani Yarleni Montoya Hernández.
With testimonials from: Henry Ramírez Silva, Leidy Viviana Herrera Díaz, Marlene González Molina, Dora Alicia González Moreno, Frederman Ospina Giraldo.
And the participation of: Michael Acosta Montoya, Ashly Samanta Acosta Montoya, Alveiro Botache Herrera, Johan Andrés Bulla Morales, Ana Isabel Cárdenas Román, Luis Hernán Caro Murillo, Luisa Alejandra Caro Rodríguez, María Eugenia Caro Rodríguez, Sandra Castro Zapata, Juan Diego Celis, Modesta Collazos de Riofrío, Tatiana García, Olga Lucía Giraldo González, Héctor Mancera Giraldo, María Nelsy González Montealegre, María Aleida González Sánchez, Alexander Guerrero Castro, Cristian Andrés Guerrero Castro, Andrés José Guerrero Pineda, Numidya Hernández Rey, Zaida Lizeth Hincapié, Maried Martínez Ospina, Jhojan Andrés Mogollón Hernández, Gloria Imelda Morales, Ramiro Moreno, Johana Fernanda Ortíz, María Camila Páez Martínez, Jonatan Alexander Parrado González, Temístocles Pulido Galindo, Fausto Reyes, Yeison Reyes Santos, Miller Reyes Santos, Yamid Reyes Santos, Miriam Cecilia Rodríguez Mogollón, Angie Katerin Rodríguez Suazo, Emerson Arley Rodríguez Suazo, Diana Marcela Rojas Quevedo, Carlos Estiven Romero González, Luisa Fernanda Romero González, Francyneth Sabogal, Lidia Yurani Sasa Morales, Grayss Natalia Silva, Camilo Torres Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo Urbano Sasa, Omar Vanegas. Pintura mural: Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Rodríguez. Músicos: Ángel Gabriel Perilla Villega, Raúl Aguilera Mora, Ramón Andrés Enciso Castillo, Luis Gabriel Torres Ramírez. Agradecimientos: María Aleida González Sánchez, Carlos Andrés Mora Guarín, Jonatan Alexander Parrado González, Emerson Arley Rodríguez Suazo, Angie Katerin Rodríguez Suazo, Diana Marcela Rojas Quevedo, Carlos Estiven Romero González, Luisa Fernanda Romero González, Marleny Suazo, Isaac de Jesús Sarrazola David, Arabella Poveda.
Thanks to the churches, priests and pastors who have allowed us to record in their temples: Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Granada), Parroquia San Antonio María Claret (Medellín del Ariari), Parroquia San José (Granada), Parroquia Divino Niño Jesús (Granada), Parroquia María Auxiliadora (Granada), Novena navideña en el barrio Villas de Granada (Granada), Salón del Reino de los Testigos de Jehová (Granada), Iglesia de Dios Ministerial de Jesucristo Internacional (Granada), Iglesia Cruzada Cristiana Cielos Abiertos (Granada), Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día Renacer (Granada), Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día Orión (Granada), Colegio Adventista de Granada Meta, Iglesia de Avivamiento Pentecostés del Centro Evangelístico y Misionero (Granada), Iglesia Asambleas de Dios Sede Paraíso (Granada), José Camacho, Henry Ramírez, Fabián Ramírez Albarracín, José Leonardo Santamaría, Juan Carlos Morales, Ancízar Mosquera, Orlan Urrego, José Hidalgo, Efraín Sánchez, Florentino Florez, Lubin Rojas.

Work done with the Grant MULTIVERSO to the Creación en Videoarte 2017, BBVA Fundation.

Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal
Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal
Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal

Evangelio en Granada (Meta) resumes contact with the people who had participated in The Missing Feet, a video that we could describe as a documentary. Now a story is being rehearsed that maintains a certain distance from the genres of documentary and fiction. The proposal consists of continually crossing the two terrains, promoting the generic instability of video art and maintaining interest in the notion of portrait.

Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal
Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal
Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal


My approach to the gospel stories is not religious but cultural. I take into account the extent of these stories in popular cultures and the exemplary character they retain among peasants and displaced people even today. The contents of certain passages of the Gospel can be directly related to current and immediate past situations experienced by victims and agents of violence.

From my perspective, cinema treasures four canonical gospels: Pasolini’s, Rossellini’s, the one that Dreyer never managed to film, and Oliveira’s Act of Spring. Evangelio en Granada (Meta) is part of this tradition of renewed use of a fundamental text, in order to investigate the continuities and frictions between past and present. In another sense, the condition of the Gospel as a cultural remainder, in its popular niche, creates tension against the technique of the dominant discourses.

Elaborate the position of the gaze and, through this act, the gaze itself, is the object of all art. I carry my own violence, received and projected. Together with others, I search for the images of victim and perpetrator that I discover in myself.

Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal
Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal
Evangelio en Granada (Meta) Javier Codesal

Director Bio

Javier Codesal (Sabiñánigo, Huesca, 1958) has a degree in Visual and Hearing Image Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Considered one of the pioneers of video art in Spain, his interest in the body and music stand out in his career – present in productions as different as’ Centauro ‘,’ Sábado legionario ‘,’ Los remotos paises de la pena ‘or the exhibition’ Ponte el cuerpo’-, the approach to themes such as pain, death or illness – for example, through the series ‘Dias de Sida’ – and a series of portraits that includes ‘La habitación de rada’ (on the Balkan War), ‘Mario y Manuel’, ‘Portrait of Francisco del Río’ or ‘Mayte’. Two of his other artistic facets are regularly reflected in his works and installations: poetry and drawing.